Free Email Hosting with Domain Purchase
If you purchase a domain name and website hosting, you do have email hosting included for free. This email hosting will use your included storage space. This is a good option for smaller organizations and groups that only use email infrequently and do not use additional applications.
Non-profit Email Hosting
If you are a non-profit entity, with a 501-3(c) approval you may qualify for free Microsoft Office365 or Google Workspace applications. I can set this up for you and manage this on your behalf. This is a good option for non-profit groups as it provides a lot of applications and useful features.
I can resell Google Workspace and Microsoft Office365 or manage your Google Workspace/Office365 setup if necessary. I may even be able to provide you with a lower cost per user on the license cost as well. Please reach out and let me know if you would like me to help you evaluate your options.
Office365 and Google Workspace
Custom Email Server & IceWarp Hosting
If you need additional email features, calendar, and document sharing/editing functionality but do not want to pay for the more expensive options from Microsoft or Google I do have a separate email server which is powered by IceWarp. The prices are considerably less than the other services and for smaller groups/organizations the features are very comparable.
IceWarp Webmail &
Collaboration Platform
All Email Accounts provisioned on the IceWarp Server to allow for the web server to maximize its resources for website and clients. IceWarp provides file sync, mail, calendar, and web meeting functionality in one easy to use system.
- Web Mail
- Web Mail
- Web Mail
- Web Mail
Email Features
Complete email solution, comparable to Google Workspace and Office365.
Office Software &
Document Editing
Web based or desktop installed applications for Document, Spreadsheets, and Presentations. Your files can be shared easily or stored in the cloud for safekeeping.
Email Features
Complete email solution, comparable to Google Workspace and Office365.